When I stopped playing sports in my 20s, I ballooned to over 250 lbs. I tried diet after diet and even took over the counter medications. They would work short term, but eventually my habit and love for bread, honey, buttermilk, and any kind of chocolate (especially before bed) lead me to a return to my old weight.

When I went to school at Michigan State in 1985, I had to walk to campus. We only had one car and my wife needed it while she cared for our 2 babies. At the time, I was walking to get to class, but was not trying to lose weight. I was still eating buttermilk, bread and honey but very gradually I started to notice a difference. Before understanding the science behind exercise and weight loss, I realized that adding walking to my daily routine helped me burn calories and shed those extra pounds.

For over 30 years I have continued this routine and made it a priority to include walking or another form of aerobic exercise in my daily routine.

Based on my experience, here are 6 tips for long-term weight loss:

  • 45-60 minutes of walking each day will get you results.
  • Some mindful eating is necessary. I replaced the honey and buttermilk before bed with an apple, which was a great start for me. I also started drinking more water.
  • Having a coach and support system helps. Humans aren’t programmed to exercise. Why would you walk if you have a car or public transit? Having a coach or friend/partner to support you will help give you the nudge you need from time to time.
  • Make it a habit! Exercising once a week is a bit harder than fitting it into your daily schedule. I prefer the home treadmill so that I can do the ugly exercise away from others.
  • Be patient. Any results are good results.
  • Don’t starve yourself or plug into the latest fad diet. It’s a process and a lifestyle. Your body will get to where it needs to be over time.

ExerciseMD is a natural and healthy way to work with a coach and achieve long term weight loss. You will do it this time. Gradually, safely and using the latest Science of how Prescriptive Exercise can help you.




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